Social Goods
Equal Pay Button Pack
Women in the U.S. who work full time, year round are paid only 84 cents for every dollar paid to men — and for women of color, the wage gap is even larger.
So NO, we will not shut up equal pay. We must continue to demand equal pay for equal work and a more equal future for all.
This November, New Yorkers have a chance to vote for the ERA and help safeguard the rights of women and anyone else confronted with discrimination based on race, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or other characteristics.
- "No, I will not shut up about equal pay" - 2.25" pinback button
- "Pay Me" and "Equal / Dollar" - 1.5" pinback button
Benefits: ERA Coalition Forward, a nonprofit building a foundation for equal treatment under the law and a more equal future for all. Their mission is to publish the fully ratified Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution to ensure that one cannot be discriminated against because of one’s sex.
Supporting Cause: Women's Rights